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"Diet vs. Decline: The Mediterranean Advantage"

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The Mediterranean diet isn’t just about taste—it safeguards against cognitive decline in older adults.

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A twelve-year study involving 840 individuals unveiled how this diet impacts cognitive health.

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Biomarkers from blood samples were used to assess adherence and its association with cognitive function.

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Specific fatty acids and gut microbiota-derived metabolites played a crucial role in this dietary pattern.

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An inverse relationship was found between the diet’s biomarker score and cognitive decline in seniors.

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This approach marks a stride toward objective dietary assessment methods considering bioavailability.

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Serum biomarkers offer a more accurate means of understanding the impact of dietary patterns.

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Adhering to the Mediterranean diet showcased a protective association against long-term cognitive decline.

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This study’s outcomes emphasize the role of dietary biomarkers in monitoring cognitive health benefits.

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Collaborative efforts across global research teams were pivotal in unveiling this diet’s benefits.