Top 10 points on how to play the Baldur's Gate game

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Understand the Game: Baldur's Gate is a role-playing game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. It involves creating characters, forming a party, and embarking on quest

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Character Creation: Spend time on character creation. Your character's race, class, and attributes will significantly impact your gameplay experience. Make sure to choose a race and class that align with your preferred playstyle

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Use Proficient Weapons: Ensure that your characters are using weapons they are proficient with. This will increase their effectiveness in combat

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Explore the World: Baldur's Gate is rich in side-content, lore, and flavor. Take your time to explore the world, interact with non-player characters, and discover hidden quests and item

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Plan Your Battles: Combat in Baldur's Gate can be challenging. Plan your strategies carefully, considering the strengths and weaknesses of your party members and your enemie

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Save Frequently: The game does not autosave frequently, and your characters can die easily. Save your game often, especially after winning a battle or completing a quest

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Level Up Wisely: When leveling up, choose skills and attributes that align with your character's role in the party. For example, if your character is a melee fighter, focus on improving their strength and endurance

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Interact with Your Party Members: Your party members are not just tools for combat. They have their own personalities and stories. Interact with them regularly to learn more about them and potentially unlock new quest

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Enjoy the Story: Baldur's Gate is known for its rich and immersive storyline. Take your time to enjoy the story, make choices that align with your character's personality, and see how your decisions shape the world around you

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